That silly Easter Bunny has been hard at work! He showed up at Rhett's school and surprised the kiddos with hidden eggs all over the playscape. It was so fun to see all the kids lined up at the gate and the mad dash to collect as many eggs as possible. The hunt was over in mere seconds, but their momentum and candy high lasted well into the afternoon!!
The Bunny strikes again! This morning we woke up with another special surprise. The Easter Bunny came and left a trail of carrots leading down the hallway to two buckets full of Easter goodies. Rhett was so excited when he saw that the bunny left a half eaten carrot behind too. Silly wabbit :)
But, that wasn't all... When we started looking around the back yard, we noticed that there were eggs hidden all over the place. Boy boys were expert egg finders and managed to fill their Easter buckets full of loot.
Many thanks to the Easter Bunny for some yummy treats!
Easter morning hunt:
Pictures from our school hunt:
You can see that the boys had a great time!