Here is what's been going on:
We enjoyed taking the boys to the Austin Kite festival recently and kicked off spring break with a trip to the kids museum with some friends. Rhett is doing great at school and is getting more comfortable with the morning drop off routine. He has been practicing writing his letters and is getting really good at writing the alphabet. He is also very interested in baseball (hence the baseball birthday party theme) and loves to hit those home runs! Reid is finishing up a 9 week session at Rollie Pollies and is re-enrolled in Gymboree. He is trying hard to catch up with his milestones and has been doing much better post ear tubes. We continue to monitor his development closely and are working with his doctors to make sure he is getting the proper nutrition that he needs to grow and develop physically. We are so proud of him. We have become so comfortable with sweet little Reid Patton that we are becoming amused by the little General that has been Reid lately. He is starting to get feisty and we love it!

Loved the new blog, boys are growing up too fast,