On Tuesday, Reid went in to Dell Children's for what we hope is his last and final surgery. Due to continued infections in his throat and tonsils, his ENT recommended doing a tonsillectomy to eliminate the chronic illness, repeat antibiotics and feeding issues that have plagued him for the past 18 months. Surgery for Reid is not a new experience. We've been through it before- having already had ear tubes and an adenoidectomy in recent months. I felt comfortable with the procedure and recovery timeline and walked into PreOp feeling pretty good. The removal of the tonsils took only thirty minutes, but the PostOp lesson I learned lasted far longer.
I now know that Anesthesia is NOT always your friend and that emergence delirium in an 18 month old can be equally as painful as the surgery itself. After, Reid needed pain medicine and mom needed tequila. It was a long two days, but our little man is back home and beginning his two week recovery.

ugh, poor baby. I don't do good post-anesthesia either lol I feel his pain on that one...